Permoxin is indicated for:
Dogs: Tick control (including Paralysis Ticks), Flea Control; Management of Flea Allergic Dermatitis;
Horses: Fly Nuisance (stable fly, buffalo fly, sandfly); Management of Queensland Itch.
Use as a Spray or Rinse
Safe for use on pregnant and lactating animals
Active constituents: 4.0% Permethrin 25:75(cis:trans) A highly effective insecticide and tickicide with insect repellent activity.
Permoxin is a highly effective tickicide and insecticide. In laboratory trials, a single application of Permoxin prevents tick attachment for over two weeks and resulted in greater than 98% flea control for 20 days.
When applied daily to flea allergic dogs, Permoxin repels fleas and gives relief to the pruritic dog. In fact, the high safety margin means that Permoxin can be applied as often as needed, to maintain the repellent action.
Permoxin utilises advanced technology which allows it to bind to clean hair and skin for long acting effectiveness. Peak activity is maintained by regular weekly top up rinses to produce saturation of the hair coat.
Permoxin resists inactivation by light. This ensures a longer duration of action than the natural pyrethrins which decompose rapidly on exposure to air and light
For use as a spray: Obtain a trigger spray device and keep it exclusively for use with Permoxin. Add 10mL of Permoxin concentrate to every 400mL of water OR if rapid drying is desired, add 10mL of Permoxin concentrate to every 400mL of methylated spirits. Hold container approximately 20cm from coat and spray while ruffling the coat to ensure thorough penetration and coverage of the coat and skin. Spray the entire animal but avoid eyes and mouth. Allow to dry on the coat.
For use as a rinse: May be used on a dry coat or after washing. If using shampoo first, rinse coat in clean water and then allow excess water to drain off coat. Make up enough solution to treat the animal by mixing 10mL Permoxin concentrate to every 400mL of water. Apply Permoxin solution to the animal, covering the entire animal, but avoiding the eyes and mouth. A sponge assists application. Foaming of this product does not affect performance. Allow to dry on the coat.
- DO NOT use on cats.
- Not to be used on animals under 3 months of age.
- Do not use methylated spirits on broken skin.
- Read label instructions carefully prior to use.