Bee Kind Leather & Saddle Soap

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  • Regular price $29.50
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A high quality, natural glycerin humectant based soap made with Beeswax, Lanolin and pure essential oils of Tea tree & Eucalyptus.
Cleans away heavy dirt, grime and soil stains. Preserves leather, prevents brittleness and keeps leather soft and supple. Includes beeswax 
for added protection, lanolin for quality conditioning and tea tree and eucalyptus to inhibit mold and mildew, preventing stitching from
deteriorating. Works on all leather surfaces and leather colours. 
There are no neurotoxic petroleum by-products, no solvents, turps and no artificial fragrances in our homemade special recipes. Every 
ingredient is renewable, 100% biodegradable, non-flammable and earth-friendly. Create a healthier home and use a product that is safe 
for your family, your health, and the environment.